Well we hadn’t seen Trevor since October but he came home for a couple weeks. We only saw him a few times but it was fun to hang out with him. We went swimming at the pool and had a BBQ.
We went over and ate at the Anderson a couple of times as an “entire” family. You can look at the Treasure the Memories post for Natalie’s version of the same thing. We went with opening night with Trevor, Marc and Katherine to the drive-in and saw Ratatouille. It was pretty good. I am a fanatic for Disney Pixar movies. They are probably my favorites of all time. I wish however that I would have seen it at the regular theater because sometimes the drive in just looses your attention. But back to Trevor. We talked for quite a while about how Korea is and what he likes and all the same old stuff that he probably told everybody else. I bet he got sick of answering the same old questions. Anyway it was good to see him for a couple weeks and we are glad that he came to visit.
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