
Our Christmas Morning

Since things happened mostly on Christmas Eve we had a pretty quiet Christmas morning. Wyatt is still too young to be really excited about the whole thing but I think I managed to pick up the slack there. I asked Kayla if Santa had come at 6:30 am but she rolled over and said “no, he’ll be here in an hour. Go back to sleep.” So I did but right at 7:30 I got the dog out, woke up Wyatt and we gathered around the tree. Wyatt wasn’t fully awake so he was a little cranky. We gave him his 10 pack of Matchbox cars and that is all he needed. He could have cared less about anything else. We pretty much opened everything else for him because all he wanted to do was play with the cars. We gave him a jump-o-lene (an inflatable trampoline) and a pump. The pump didn’t work so I ended up blowing this 7-foot round tramp with my mouth. It took me about 25 minutes but I think Wyatt has enjoyed playing in it so far. Wyatt a lot more fun this year because he could make noises and somewhat understand what to do with the gifts and such. Next year it will be really fun because he will know all about Christmas and Santa.


bRADy rEEVEs said...

Wow, I can tell you finished school, because you went on a posting frenzy. JK. I love reading your blogs, post all you want. Cool hoodie. I would have eaten your bad peanut butter cups, oh wait, no I wouldn't have, I'm on a diet. :) If it weren't for that I would have. Remember those rolls Kayla made that were so bad and we ate them anyway? That was hilarious. Well glad you had a good Christmas. I had so much fun skiing, even if we were kind of lame and hit the same runs over and over. See ya later!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

McKenzie Ann said...

Wyatt is soooo cute. It looks like you guys had a nice Christmas. I have to do a bit of catch of on reading blogs. I have not been on or even posted for a very long while, as you may have noticed. I love the joys of Christmas when things do not work as they should...like blowing up a trampoline. That would have sucked big time. Have a lovely new year!!!