Wyatt tries everyday to feed himself. He is still getting used to the fact that you don't need to use all four finger and the thumb to pick something up. He can pick everything up just fine, it is just that he cant get his whole hand in his mouth then let go of whatever he is eating. Sometimes he is successful and snarfs down what ever he put in but most of the time it ends up falling back on to his tray. We have bought him other things to learn how to feed himself but they are so messy. He has these biscuits called "biter biscuits" He really enjoys them but they get so soggy that they get all over him and everything he touches. But they are good to learn off because he can put it down then pick it back up again. The whole idea about putting stuff inside his mouth is not hard; he puts anything he can in there. It is just figuring out that you don't need to use all four fingers to do so.
7 years ago
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