
my apologies ... (january)

First things first... i am sorry that my loving husband so thoughtfully posted those fear-provoking photos, in the very early morning hours of THE BIRTHDAY . YIKES!

I know this is so lame but as i sat in school that day, it happened to be the birthday of the girl sitting next to me. Never in my life have i felt like i was getting old.... today i felt OLD! My professor asked how old we were both turning if we had anything fun planned. Her response: my friends are throwing me an awesome party and it will probably last all weekend! My response: hmmmm.... i have a sick child, so probably a flick from redbox & if we are really feeling wild grab some take out for dinner.... i know, so lame. i did however have a wonderful Birthday, any day with josh.wyatt & roxy is a geat day! - Thank you to all the thoughtful well wishers.